Sunday, December 26, 2010


- Duke Jeyaraj

Michael Douglas had it all. Fame and the money to with it, he had it - he was an Academy award winning actor and among the highest paid actors in Hollywood. 'Sizzling' sex outside of marriage, he had it - he was part of the one of most watched movie sex scenes in the planet. A beautiful wife, he had her - he was married to Catherine Zeta Jones, a gorgeous actress. Yet, he was on the hunt for peace. He reportedly planned a visit to India hunting for peace (The Times of India, Hyderabad Times, October 22, 2010). All the things he already had apparently did not quench his inner thirst or give him permanent peace.

What robs our hearts of its peace? Many a time it is sin. The Bible, a Book from God to us in a language we can understand, talks about this. "The wicked are like the tossing sea," a Bible prophet wrote (Isa 57:20). Yes, when you and I commit a sin, our heart loses its peace and we feel as if we tossed up and down in a turbulent stormy sea.

What gives true and lasting peace? A relationship with Jesus. A living daily walk with the one who was called 'Prince of Peace' in the Bible (Isa 9:6). A Priest named Zachariah compared Jesus the Sunrise from on High who came down to guide us in the 'way of peace' (Luke 1:78,79). Jesus promised his disciples his own peace; He said, "My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives..." (John 14:27). The peace that Jesus give is far different from temporary peace that the world and its pleasures give. It is permanent. It does not depend on happy circumstances or swank comforts around. It is born out of a deep relationship with Him.

Your life may in turmoil. You may caught in a storm even as you read these words. The storm of family dispute. The storm of rebellious children. The storm of financial difficulty. The storm of your loved one betraying you. The storm of addiction to destructive sinful habits. But let Jesus get into your life boat. And allow him to speak to your storm. And then, trust me, there would be great calm (Mark 4:39). Your problem may still remain. But in your heart, there would be great peace.

I know what I am talking about here. I have experience what I am talking about. Let me elaborate: Before I left my worldly job, it was working in a couple of Call Centres so that I could support my family and ministry with the money I earned from there. I also ran three minute fellowships in Office.
It was my dream at that point in time to work for Google's office in Hyderabad, India, the city where I live. Some of the most modern youth of my city, the group I wanted to touch with the message of Jesus Christ, worked there. I got through fairly difficult rounds of interviews that came first-up. I reached the stage where I was to have the very final round of interview with a senior manager with Google. She was the final barrier I had to get past, in order to start working in Google. I prayed to the Lord Jesus to give me grace to get through in that pivotal interview. But alas, I could not. I was informed that I did not make it. I was sad. But I still had the strange peace which Jesus alone could have given me at that hour of dour disappointment which could have easily made me very sour. The calm that my Creator gave me that hour did not depend on the circumstances around me. I again experienced this heart-warming calm when my application for a US Visa was rejected in August 2010. I was to go to the US on a trip fully-sponsored by a Christian organisation. I had to play the role of a coach in a large youth event. As I walked back in the long passage, minutes after this heart-breaking rejection in the US Consulate Office in Hyderabad, I was very gloomy. But pretty soon, deep down, a deep assurance swept over my heart that told me what had happened was actually for my ultimate good. I was at peace with myself because I had the peace that Jesus Christ had given me - a peace that I still had, no matter what happened around me! What the Bible told taught about Jesus I found to be true with my own life experience - he is the Lord of peace who gives peace at 'all time and in every way' (II Thess 3:16, NIV).

To give you this peace , this calm will only come after your sins are forgiven, Jesus went to the Cross. The Scripture declares, "The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him" (Isa 53:5). When Jesus hung on the Cross, bloodied, bruised, bashed-up and broken, he did what it takes to give you peace - peace on the inside. The blood he shed on the Cross is your passport to peace. You need to be forgiven of your sins by his blood. Where is peace? It is not in fame. It is not in the dame. It is not in a sex-game. Ask Michael Douglas, he would tell you, if he were honest. It is in that Name. Only in that Name, the Bible declares (Acts 4:12). The name of Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace and He alone can give you peace. Would you repent from your sin and trust him right now?

Jesus had this to say about the stiff-necked people of Jerusalem - the people who repeatedly rejected him: He said, “If only you knew on this of all days the things that lead to peace. But now they are hidden from your eyes" (Luke 19:42, Common English Bible). They had rejected Jesus, the way to true inner peace repeatedly and now it was too late for them to find that peace - this was Jesus' point here! What a costly miss! Right now, even as you read this piece on peace, you have an opportunity to discover true peace that is only available only through Jesus Christ. But if you keep rejecting him, a time will come in your life, when it would be too late to come to him to discover this amazing peace. After you die (death can come to any one of us, anytime, please remember!) it would be too late. After Jesus comes back to this earth to judge everyone, it would be too late. After the Holy Spirit stops speaking to the repeatedly stubborn you, it would be too late. At that sad point in your life, you would be hopelessly meandering toward eternal hell - a lake of burning fire and sulphur where you would have lost forever your peace! But now, you have an opportunity to avoid all that by coming to Christ in true penitence to receive lasting peace!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Deepika wanted to gift Ranbir; What Jesus wants to gift you….

-Duke Jeyaraj speaks about condoms n Christ on World AIDS Day
I bumped into this news piece in The Week magazine the other day: After some dignified silence over her break-up with Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone is exercising no restraint now when answering questions about her her ex-beau. First, she said she has no plans of getting rid of her RK tattoo. Then, when Karn Johar asked her on his show what she would like to gift Ranbir, she replied, “a pack of condoms” (The Week, November 22, 2010). A pack of condoms, Deepika probably believed would really help to prevent Ranbir who is reportedly known for his playboy lifestyle from catching the dreaded virus, AIDS. When Ranbir heard this, he also started preaching about how it was important to practice ‘safe’ sex by wearing condoms each time one had sex.
But is safe sex possible when one wears condoms? Does the wearing of the condom stop the AIDS virus from entering your body when you have sex with a person who is infected by it? No. Ask the 800 doctors and researchers who gathered in a Washionton DC conference if wearing of a condom would stop the AIDS virus each time. They would say, it would not. That’s why none of them raised their hands when asked, if any of them would wear condoms and have sex with an AID-infected patient! The AIDS virus is 250 times smaller than the male sperm (Source of information: Focus of the Family, The US). To give you an exaggerated and crude comparison, if the male sperm equals to Ishant Sharma (6 foot plus), the AIDS virus equals to Amit Mishra (just over 5 foot). The male sperm sometimes seeps through the condom. In the movie, Salaam Namaste, this is accurately potrayed. The boy despite wearing condoms makes the girl he is living-in with in Australia, pregnant. I can't wait to ask this after making that observation: If Ishant can go through the condom pores, what guarantee do we have that the much smaller Amit won’t go through?! So, don’t get carried away from ‘safe’ sex lie. The ‘safe’ sex hoax.

The only way to have ‘safe’ sex is to save sex for marriage. It is preserve sex for the one person you will marry and that too only after you actually get married. Only Jesus can help you practice abstinence till then. He is the Only One who beat every temptation which came to him, each time. He, God is human flesh, died on the Cross for your sins and to give you an option to escape from living a purposeless and empty life of living hell and going to an literal hell. His blood can cleanse you from every sin, including the sin of pre-marital sex. Come to Him, now. Give your life to Him, Him who loves very much. And see that you experience a joy unspeakable which will beat the best orgasm you ever had when you had pre-marital sex. And what's more Jesus will give power to overcome sexual-sin because he has overcome all temptation.