- Duke Jeyaraj
One of the reasons Evan and I chose to live in Hyderabad and go about doing the itinerant ministry to youth from this particular city is the wonderful way God brought the ministry of Youth Alive into our lives. I was invited to speak in a Youth Alive Camp way back in 2002 for the first time by Rev. Younus Samuel and there was no turning back in what was a superb, God-ushered relationship between Youth Alive and G4 Mission, the ministry to modern youth I founded in 2006, from then on. For those of you who do not know, Youth Alive, is the youth ministry of the New Life AG Church, Hyderabad. Under the able leadership of the Senior Associate Pastor of the New Life AG Church who is also the National Youth Coordinator of the Assemblies of God of India's National Youth Ministry, Rev. Valson Varghese, a National Conference for Youth is being organised this October. I am happy to let you know that I have been invited to be part of the team of speakers for this event, which I believe will be history-making. I urge you strongly to join this conference if you are a young person or send youth you know for this conference if you are leader to youth or a pastor or a parachurch organisation leader. They will be blessed. They will set on fire for the things of God in a remarkable way! When they return from this conference they will be a blessing to your fellowship/local church, I am sure.
Few Details for this Conference:
Dates: 23-25 October, 2012
We're inviting youth between 15 - 30 years old - Unmarried Single Youth ONLY to participate.
Married people are not permitted unless they are serving as Youth Leaders / Directors or Chaperones.
These leaders will oversee the Youth from their local Churches.
The Registration fee is Rs. 500 (for 3 days) This includes food & lodging for outstation participants. (Actual cost is Rs 1100 per person) Travel needs to be borne by the participant or sponsored by the local Churches.
ONLINE REGISTERATION: GO ONLINE AT www.nymindia.com and register online. Or contact - 040-66385451 immediately.
3000 young people from all over India are expected for this conference.
Young people from over 17 Indian states have already decided to come!
Don't miss out. Make immediate plans to come for this rocking, rare, event which will refresh and revive you!