“I have never seen or lived through such a
World Cup,” said Coach Didier Deschamps of France!
So would have said the 1 billion people who
watched the Final as if they were in a trance!
Six goals were scored in the regulation
time and the 78,011 Luzhniki Stadium Crowd did dance!
Following Mario Mandzukic’s headed own-goal,
France did make a 1-0 advance,
Within 10 minutes the score became 1-1
thanks to Croatia’s Ivan Perisic’s bullet shot brilliance!
Ivan Perisic was deemed to have to done a
‘handball’ in the box as he tried a ball clearance!
Griezmann slotted in the penalty given via
Video Review with his demeanor as cool as ice!
Pogba and Mbappe scored off lip-smacking
long-range shots that lifted France to the skies!
When Mandzukic scored – helped by a careless
goalie dribbling - poaching on a half-chance,
4-2 it was and this plunging the
punching-above-their-weight Croatia into despondence,
Their President Kolinda Kitarovic, Player of
the Tournament, Moderic, held in tight embrace!
France'stop-talents ‘were willing to
sublimate their individual games to a collective mission’ – those were, about
this Final, Andrew Das’ lines of magnificence!

Lines which reminded me of Jesus who was
willing to do the ‘ultimate sublimation’, leaving the glory of heaven and
become Flesh, for the grander-goal of our sin-deliverance!
Jesus’ death on the shameful Cross opened
the door for peace, joy and forgiveness-assurance!
The French players did not delay in
depositing champagne on their coach, Didier Deschamps’ head and you don’t have to
delay putting your faith in this unique Jesus and insin-repentance!