Tuesday, November 10, 2009


-- Duke Jeyaraj
Duke Jeyaraj's thoughts on the sudden death of Stephen Gately of Boyzone fame

His voice was "so sweet". Very melodious. A voice you felt like hearing time and again. His singing was awesome. Simply suberb. But now, he gone. He's dead. He was the voice of Boyzone's best ballad, No Matter What, one of the first modern pop stars to come out before he was outed, and an enthusiastic live performer who'd grab his crotch as high notes approached, allowing the audience's screams to drown out any vocal shortcomings. So wrote Peter Robinson for The Gaurdian. About who? About Boyzone's Stephen Gately. He is dead. Suddenly dead. Suddenly dead, when he was holidaying in Spain with his homosexual civil partner in a gay club, Andrew Cowles. He was not even 35.

He was the voice of Boyzone's best ballad, No Matter What, one of the first modern pop stars.

When I heard the news of his sudden death some somber thoughts crossed my mind. Some serious reflections flashed through my mind. May I share them with you?
I recall having listened to his smash hit song, "Words". The words for "Words" went this way: Talk in everlasting words and dedicate them all to me... And when I heard those words I recalled that is exactly what God had done for me. Confused? Stumped? Hang on. Let me explain: God talked in everlasting words and dedicated them to me. Jesus' words were everlasting, weren't they? Didn't He say, "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away?" Those eternal words He spoke were specially meant for me. They were meant for you. Have you taken them seriously? Stephen Gately didn't. If he had, he would not have continued to be a homosexual. The Bible takes its stand against homosexsuality through an episode (Sodom and Gomorrah) as well as through edicts (for example, I Cor 6:9). It is to be noted that Stephen Gately suddently died when he was holidaying with his homosexual partner. It is quite possible that God sent judgement on him. I could be wrong. But I could be right as well. Read Amos 4:6-12. Verses 6-11 talk about the disasters God sent to the nation of Israel, to get His people's attention. But they did not repent. But they did not listen up. So in Verse 12, he tells them that they should get ready to meet Him. You will meet with God the moment you die. In other words, in Amos 4:12, God was telling His unrepentant and stiff-necked people, to get ready to die!

This is what God could have kept telling Stephen Gately: "Your parents gave you the name of the first martyr for the faith - Stephen. I gave you a voice that would 'wow' millions. Yet, you have turned against me, your Creator. You have been rebelled against my Word to become a homosexual and do other things displeasing to Me. Repent!" But Stephen Gately did not listen up. God was patient with him. Extremely patient. He gave him a long rope (He has been a homosexual for over 10 years, atleast). He gave his many chances. But you know what - God's patience has a limit. Read Jeremiah 6:16 and Jeremiah 7:16. Between these two chapters He lost his patience with Israel - a nation that told him, "No - we will not follow your ancient paths". That is why he stopped Prophet Jeremiah from praying for them. When they had become too stubborn, and there was no way they would repent (God knew this), why should a prophet of God waste his time, praying for them? God gave them up, because they gave God up, stubbornly (Romans 1:18-32).

I gave you a voice that would 'wow' millions. Yet, you have turned against me, your Creator

What you about you, buddy? God is being patient with you. Extremely patient. He does not want you to perish. He does not want live a life of hell and go to actual hell. But don't take his patience for granted. That could prove to be very costly. As Stephen Gately probably found out the other day when he was holidaying with homosexual partner in Spain. You cannot mock God and get away with it. Your sin will found you out, my Bible declares (Num 32:23).

Certain websites and newspapers also reported that Stephen Gately and his homosexual partner, Andy, were boozing away to glory in a gay bar they partied in, that fateful night. It was an "eight hour booze marathan". They continued boozing even after they returned to their holiday home with a Bulgarian young man they met up at the bar at the wee hour of 4:30 am. Andy went to the bedroom to have sex with a Bulgarian young man at 5:30 am while Stephen collapsed on the sofa in the living room in a drunken stupor.
Stephen Gately and his homosexual partner, Andy, were boozing away to glory in a gay bar they partied in, that fateful night.

When Andy woke up he found Stephen in the prayer position. When he tried to wake him up, he discovered to his horror that his homosexual partner was dead. Police believed he died a natural death after he choked on his vomit. Prophet Jeremiah warned in the Bible that vomiting and collapsing never to rise again while getting drunk could be a God-sent judgement (Jer 25:27). Did Stephen cry out to God before he died saying, "Oh Lord Jesus, please forgive me! I have sinned against you by living a homosexual lifestyle. On top of it, I have gotten drunk today, which is again a horrific violation of Your Word!"? We only hope that he did. Only the day of Judgement would reveal if he did.

Did Stephen cry out to God before he died saying, "Oh Lord Jesus, please forgive me!

Come now to the Lord Jesus. He can transform you from being a Stephen Gately (a talented Christian only by name, living in open sin) into a biblical Stephen (a Spirit filled believer who was willing even to die for Christ)! Stephen Gately's "husband" was unfaithful to him on that tragic night he died - it looks like. The friends you hang around with, committing sin after sin, may leave you high and dry, during the time of your crisis and pain. They could be far too busy to help you - busy enjoying sin's pleasures themselves. But, let me tell you that there is a "friend who sticks closer than a brother," about whom the Bible talks about (Prov 18:24). His name is Jesus. Come now to Him! You don't have to wait till you are looking at death in the face to pray to Him. Yes, you don't have to wait till the eleventh hour to pray the sinner's prayer without being even able to even complete it only to land in ever-burning hell. You can pray that prayer right now and turn over your one life to Jesus to experience an earth-shattering joy and peace which money cannot buy, the world cannot give and the Devil cannot take away!

You might say, "I am neither this Stephen or that Stephen. I am somewhere in between!" That is a very dangerous postition to be in, friend. Here is why: the words of Jesus found in Revelation 3:16 which goes this way, "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."

Let's run to Jesus, right now!

Alexandra Topping wrote at the website, gaurdian.co.uk on 13 October 2009 thus: Stephen Gately had recently said he hoped his children's fantasy novel, The Tree of Seasons, which he spent three years on, would be released for Christmas this year, adding that it would be his "dream" for it to be turned into a film.You see, Gately had many wonderful plans for his earthly future - plans that did not materialize because of his unexpected death. But, unfortunately, he did not plan things out for his eternal future. May be he could have thought, "I have lots of time to do that!" But, as you and I know buddy, he did not have lots of time to do that. He passed away so suddenly, swiftly and shockingly. Mrs. Lot, the woman who wanted to have one last look at sin in the then homosexual capital of the world, Sodom, too passed away so suddenly, switfly and shockingly. If Jesus preached today, He would say, "Remember, Stephen Gately!" I say that because He said then, "Remember, Lot's wife!" (Luke 17:32). Mrs. Lot did not have lots of time to repent and prepare for eternity. Stephen Gately, too, did not have lots of time to repent and prepare for eternity. And, guess what, you and I, also, may not have lots of time to do that. So, let's run to Jesus, right now! A living, daily, deep, relationship with Jesus will land you in heaven after death. And without it, you and I, would have to go to eternal literal hell on the other side of eternity after a horrible life of living hell on earth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's an eyeopener to all who think therez still enough time to know GOD... the need of the hour is to know your Creator.. GOD BLESS U bro.Duke.