That particular news piece about Michael Schumacher wowed me. Floored me. I went gaga over it. Believe me - I am not a big Formula One fan. I don't even know it's rules, to tell you like it is. But I just loved what I read. Here is what I read: Michael Schumacher, 38, flew into the aerodrome at the Bavarian town of Coburg (Germany) on Saturday and took a taxi to the village of Gehuelz, 30 kilometres away, to pick up a new puppy - an Australian Shepherd dog called "Ed." But when the former Formula One ace, plus his wife and two children, caught a taxi back to the airport they were short on time and, after a polite request, cab driver Tuncer Yilmaz watched in wonder as Schumacher took the wheel. "I found myself in the passenger seat, which was strange enough, but to have "Schumi" behind the wheel of my cab was incredible," Yilmaz told the Muenchner Abendzeitung. "He drove at full throttle around the corners and over-took in some unbelievable places." Yilmaz was well rewarded for the unusual journey - on top of the 60 euros ($88) fare, he was also given a 100 euros ($146) tip.... (The Times of India, Hyderabad, 13 December 2007).
Not just Tuncer Yilmaz, you too are driving a taxi. I can almost hear you moan, "Come on, Duke - you're kidding me!" What I meant was that, you were driving the taxi of your life. The seven-times Formula One world champion Schumi requested the taxi driver Tuncer to vacate his taxi's driver's seat so that he could take it over. One person who took, five-wounds on His body for your sake on the Cross of Calvary, asks you to vacate your bottom from the driver's seat of the taxi of life. His name? Jesus. And if you do that, having swallowed your pride, your ego, you will have an "unbelievable", "full throttle" ride like Tuncer did. At the end of that exciting journey, you will get something far more precious than the 100 euros that Tuncer pocketed from Schumi - you would get eternal life.
Are you ready to ease your bottom from the driver seat of your taxi and hand over the steering wheel of your life to Jesus? By doing that, you would be telling him, symbolically: "Jesus, I can't make it to heaven and eternal life on my own. In fact, I don't even deserve to be there. I'm a sinner. I am willing to repent from my sin. Please forgive me by the blood you shed for me on the Cross. Thank you for rising up from the dead so that you could be beside me to take over the steering wheel of my life." And - guess what? - your life taxi couldn't be in safer or surer hands!
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