Wednesday, September 6, 2017


- Duke Jeyaraj shares the ultimate Goodnews surprisingly starting from the Sadness-Causing, Suicide-Encouraging, Sickening Online Game

Blue Whale. We are not talking the big fish in the sea. The “Blue Whale,” referred to in this piece, is an online game that ultimately dares its players to act out a death-wish – their own! This smartphone game pushes the users of this game to carve an outline of a Blue Whale on their skin and eventually drives them into suicide. That’s one reason this game got the name “whale” – a fish with suicidal-tendencies that is known at times to deliberately swim towards beaches only to die. If a player refuses to obey the “dare” for a dangerous task, threats such as, “We will have your parents killed…” rapidly follows. Yes people – including children and teens – World-over are either talking about the Blue Whale challenge or playing it.

The Blue Whale is ultimately indicative of a “true tale” – certain truths about Life – life about living with capital L. Only a person deeply disillusioned with life would take the lead from games such as this and eventually decide to end it. But the Bible, God’s Word in human words, presents Satan as the one who comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:9). It is quite possible that Satan uses online games such as the Blue Whale, get unsuspecting folks to fall-in-line with his sinister plan of destruction. In the Bible, we read of a demon-influenced man ‘cutting himself with stones’ – attempting suicide (Mark 5:5). Satan does not just sow inside of us thoughts of suicide. The Bible teaches that His primary goal is to lead us towards fleeting-pleasure offering sin – something that separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2) and robs us of all lasting joy. “Joy” leaving our lives, when “Sin” enters is not just a fact found in the Bible (Lamentations 5:15; Psalm 51:12) but an experience we all relate to in our day-to-day lives. The shot-put ball of guilt in the heart after a sin - be it an affair with a colleague in the work-place or hours of porn-surfing when your spouse is asleep - stands testimony to that.

No, we do not read of anyone in the Bible narrative playing the Blue Whale game. But we do read of some folk who ended up committing suicide. The circumstances in which they committed suicide gives us key-perspectives about why people think of taking their own life. Abimelech (See Judges 9:54 in the Bible) did not want to be killed by a woman, and so he asked a young man to kill him instead. We see here that PRIDE (the first ever sin of the universe, according to the Bible) cannot give us purpose and meaning in life. But tragically, it can even be instrumental in the finishing of our life.

Let's move on Suicide No. 2 recorded in the Bible. King Saul feared torture by enemy forces as a prisoner of war and he decided to fall onto his sword while on a battle field to finish-off his life (See I Samuel 31:4). In his case, PANIC (the result of sin according to the Bible - See Genesis 3:10), robbed him of his desire to live and he sadly chose to put a fullstop to his own life.

Now moving on the suicide story number 3 in the biblical records. Ahithophel, a professional Counselor to the king, upon discovering that his advice was not followed, decided to hang till he stopped breathing (2 Samuel 17:23). He chose to hang, instead of a life of having to hang his head in shame. However awesome a PROFESSION is, it cannot that person meaning, purpose, lasting joy in life. This I figure-out from this story.

The next suicide event in the Bible relates to a once-servant-of-the-king turned throne-usurper Zimri. His reign was short-lived as Omni, the commander of the army gathered around the place he stayed. Instead of owning up his sin of usurping the throne, Zimri, set fire to the house of the King, where was put up and died as the flames enveloped him (I Kings 16:8-18). He committed suicide unwilling to face the ramifications, the BY-PRODUCT of his sin. Even today, people commit suicide being afraid of the consequences of their sin. Here's the goodnews: your sin may be unprintable, it can be still forgiven (see Isaiah 1:18 in the Bible). There may be an earthly punishment for it. But Christ is able to give a place in heaven to worst of sinners, if only they would repent and turn to Him, in faith.

Let's get into the last story of suicide found in the Bible - the story of the Jesus-betrayer, Judas. The hole in his heart became bigger after receiving a PAY for leading an arresting party to the place the only the God-in-flesh, Jesus, often met with his disciples. This suicide story tells me that money cannot bring ultimate purpose and meaning to life.

This leads me to a well-known statement that Jesus made that is found recorded in the Bible: “I have come to give Life – Life to the full”(in John 10:10). This implies, apart from the “alone and apart from everyone” Jesus (Jesus said he was the ONLY WAY in John 14:6 of the Bible) no one can find that paramount peace, that supreme serenity, that maximum meaning, that Himalayan happiness.

Apostle Paul, a Jesus-follower, wrote about the “purpose in each step” (I Corinthians 9:26, NLT, The Bible) that Jesus gave him, when he followed Jesus through the smooth and stormy phases of his life.

One of Jesus’ names in the Bible is this: “Author of Life” (Acts 3:15). He is also the maker of life – this the Bible teaches (John 1:3). Human Life was made “for” Jesus Christ, the Bible notes (Colossians 1:16-17). When we wade though “the book of life’s journey” living “for” Jesus, life will become meaningful and purposeful!

The same Jesus who said, “I have come to give you life,” also mentioned that he came to die as a ransom for the sins of the World. This, the Bible records (Mark 10:45). This was the price he he had to pay to give us a meaningful life – through his cruel death on the Cross. When Jesus shed his precious, sinless blood for us, he opened the door for each one of us to escape from living an “empty” life on this earth, the Bible declares (I Peter 1:18).

Jesus rose from the Dead. Jesus promised to return again to judge the World. Those who firmly and finally reject Jesus, the name of the only person who qualifies to save humankind by the virtue of his absolute sinlessness, will live a life of “living” hell here and now and go to a “literal” hell.This the Bible, a book which has never gone wrong when it comes to predictions, predicts.

As I end this essay, let me narrate a Bible Story that involved a big fish - a whale perhaps. A disobedient prophet named Jonah ended up in the stomach of a fish. It seemed all over for him as the digestive juices of that fish started working on him. But that's when he cried out to God from the belly of that "whale". God heard his wailing from inside of a "whale". He was rescued miraculously. The "whale" obeyed the "spit-him- out" order of God. Then the Word of God came to Jonah the second time, the Bible records (Jonah 3:1)!

The God of the Bible wants to give you a second opportunity! Have you been fooled into thinking by the Blue Whale Challenge or any other life challenge (a heart-breaking divorce around the corner/a dreaded disease that is taking its toll/etc) that "all is over and there is no hope whatsoever - therefore the only way ahead is to commit suicide"? Don't buy that black lie from the Devil. When the Devil speaks, he speaks his native language which is telling lies, the Bible declares (John 8:44). God wants to give you a second chance, like he gave Prophet Jonah. Would you turn to him in repentant prayer? Would you not turn to Christ, God-incarnate, who died and rose again for your sake, right now?

What should we do now, exactly? Would you pray this prayer with faith? 'Dear Father in Heaven, I come to you in Jesus name. I turn from sin (Luke 13:1-5, The Bible). I come to Jesus in faith (Matthew 11:28 & John 1:12, The Bible). I am coming now (2 Corinthians 6:2, The Bible). Please forgive me. Please cleanse me. From this day on, I will live for you, with your Spirit enabling me. I love you Jesus. In your name I pray."

(To know more about Jesus download a Bible app onto your Smart Phone and read it/play it. Suggested App: ESV Bible. Order a copy of the Bible from Amazon. Try the Voice Version of the Bible - it is easy to understand. You can walk into a Bible-Believing church so that you would receive continual encouragement to follow Christ. If you choose to contact the author of this article, use this email id – To know more about the author's reader-supported ministry log onto

Monday, August 7, 2017


- A Duke Jeyaraj poem on the India-Bangladesh Asia Cup Final 2016 on 6 March 2016 With A Message At The End

The enthusiasm the Bangladesh Cricket Fans show for the game can’t be ever matched,

But that photo-shopped picture of Taskin carrying a severed-at-neck Dhoni’s head was far-fetched,

India needed a tricky 22 runs off 14, when promoting himself into the middle, Dhoni marched,

Al-Amin Hossain’s in-the-slot-to-be-hit, for a monstrous 104 meter six, he fiercely launched,

That’s when Bangladesh fans hopes of seeing their team’s first ever major tourney win, staunched!

After his 20 runs off 6 balls, Dhoni walked back into the Indian dugout seemingly untouched!

A gloom descended upon the Sher-e-Bangla stadium and the fans went home gut-wrenched!

Can I tell you that when the Devil was REALLY after our necks, our Heavenly Father could have just watched?

Spurning his wow love, each one of us, chose to follow the Devil being so sinfully wretched!

That’s why He sent Jesus to save us and for our sake, and he hung on the Cross, blood-drenched!

When you come to him in repentance, he will give a joy that be can’t be yours even you are zorched!

Do not refuse Jesus’ Calvary love and turn against the Only Way of Salvation, with your fist-clenched!

(Dr. Duke Jeyaraj is the founder of Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission, a ministry to presentday people that is supported by those who are blessed by Duke’s messages and writings. Find out more by visiting www.dukev.organd liking


- Duke Jeyaraj
Boxer Mohammed Ali once said, “I hated every minute of training. But I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a Champion.” I agree with Mohammed Ali’s eloquent message here: tenacious training takes you to the top!

“Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams — they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do — they all contain truths.” That’s what champion Boxer, Mohammed Ali, who passed away on 3 June 2016, said in a live TV Program post the 9/11 Terror attacks. In other words, using his silver tongue, Mohammed Ali, effectively said that Jesus was just one of the many ways to heaven. Really?

Likewise, many folks prefer to give Jesus neither a negative name nor a positive name. They prefer to give him neutral names. They call him just a nice dude, a good man, a good teacher - like the many blokes we already have around.

Mary Magdalene saw the risen-again Jesus and mistook Him for a gardener (Jn 20:15). For many today, Jesus is just like a gardener. Just like there are many gardeners in the world, Jesus is yet another good guru – one more addition in a pantheon of gods!

The disciples wrongly identified Jesus for a ghost once (Mt 14:27). For many even today Jesus is a ghost. They are scared to come close to Him. They by their life attitude (if not by their actual words) tell Him, "Jesus do not come too close to me. You will not like the things I think about, the things I enjoy seeing and the things I secretly do!"

But Thomas worshipped Jesus as God (Jn 20:28).
Jesus, if you carefully read the Bible, did not give you the option of calling him merely as a good man. He is, as CS Lewis put it, "Liar, Lunatic or Lord!" He is (as I put it): "Deceiver, Dumbo or The Divine!" The choice is yours. If you call Jesus by a nice neutral sounding name, you are still calling him by a negative name because you are diplomatically negating his claims to be unique (John 14:6 - "I am the way, the truth and the Life!").

Jesus could not be a Deceiver. Even his worst enemies could not find a single sin in him. He was not a lunatic or a Dumbo. He acted normally. He screamed in pain as he was hammered to the Cross. He felt bad when one of close pals betrayed him. Jesus wasn't mad. He wasn't bad. He was God. The Only One. So, that leaves us with only one option: Jesus is what he claimed to be: the only way to Heaven, the only incarnate God in Flesh, the only Savior of the whole World!

What should you do right now if it was true that Jesus is really unique (as this article has pointed out)? Basically, two things. Let me elaborate: First, you need to LEAVE. That is you need to leave your life of sin. Jesus preached, "Unless you repent, you too will perish (in everlasting hell)!" (Luke 13:1-5). Second, you need to BELIEVE. You need to believe that Jesus, God in Human Flesh, died instead of you on the Cross, as the Bible says He did. "Yet to all those who received Him, to those who believed in His name He gave them the right to become the children of God," we read in the Bible (John 1:12). When you do that – believe in Jesus with all your heart and confess your sins to Him – the sinless spotless blood of Jesus will forgive you of every sin and give you a peace which the world cannot give you ever!

Why not then pray this prayer right away: "Dear Lord Jesus. I am sorry for my sins. Please forgive me. I am LEAVING my terrible sins and BELIEVING in you as my only Savior. Wash me with your blood and make me a new person completely. I will serve you with all my heart hereafter. So be it!"

Do not forget the following things: Get yourself a copy of the Bible and read it daily. Talk to the Lord Jesus daily in prayer. Join a fellowship where the Bible is taught. Share with as many people as possible about the Lord Jesus, through your life and lips.

(Duke Jeyaraj is the founder of Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission, a ministry to presentday people supported by Indians blessed by his messages and articles. Find out more or by liking


- Duke Jeyaraj

#Nice Terror Truck Driver told cops he was carrying ice-cream in his truck (see this pic from The New Indian Express, July 16, 2016). And the cops kind of believed him. This was the result: he actually had stuff in his truck that made people scream - two Kalashnikovs, bullets and a grenade. 80plus, including 10kids we killed shortly after the police sincerely believed his lie. Sincere belief in any person or philosophy, without the necessary truth verification, can be dangerous. We need to strive, search and find the truth and believe in the truth. Jesus claimed to be 'the truth' and gave proofs for it - his sinless life and accurate prophecy-fulfilment - are two just of the multiple proofs he gave for his stunning claims (to be the only way to Heaven, to lasting happiness, etc). Instead of sincerely believing what is wrong and ending up in untold danger, let us believe in Jesus who died for each one on the Cross to offer forgiveness from sin, inner-lasting peace.

(Find out more about the author of this article Duke Jeyaraj and the ministry he founded called G4 Mission at


- Dr. Duke Jeyaraj

Bharat Tamore. Bharat Tamore who? Bharat Tamore, a steward at the Taj Hotel, Mumbai who lived in the sea-facing village at Bhadwar Park, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai. At 9:30 pm on 26 November 2008 he saw 10 young men who were unloading massive school bags and huge carry bags at the shore from a yellow speedboat. When he questioned them they said they were students (Story from "People Special Edition" Mag, Dec 2008, page 23). And Tamore believed what they said with sincerity of heart. But they those guys were not students. They were the TERRORISTS who just coolly walked in different directions of Mumbai, shooting people on the streets, the Main Railway Station, a Hospital and a couple of Five Star Hotels with impunity and gay abandon. Sincerely believing in what is not true can prove to be very dangerous, as we can understand from the above event. Instead of believing in the Truth, Jesus Christ, if we sincerely believed in our own wrong philosophy or religion, we would be greater danger - the greater danger of going to eternal, ever-burning hell. The Bible says, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:16; 16:25). That means that way we sincerely believe to be true to save us can be wrong and that wrong belief can land in big trouble ultimately! Who is the true way then? Jesus Christ! He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life!" (John 14:6). The Apostles took Jesus at his word and preached that there was no other name to be saved (Acts 4:12).

(Duke Jeyaraj is the founder of Grabbing the Google Gen from Gehenna Mission, the G4 Mission, a ministry to present day people. Find out more at or by liking


-Dr. Duke Jeyaraj

There are several controversies that surrounded the death of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa. Suman Priya Mendonca, writing for AsiaNet News website on 9 December 2016 talked about one such controversy: “Controversies around Jayalalithaa’s death refuse to subside. Four dots found on Jaya’s face strengthen the theory that her body was embalmed which means she died much before December 5, 2016. Embalming is a process that can prevent a dead body from decomposing for over 60 days.” Soviet Leader Valdimir Lenin died in January 1924. But his body is available for the public to behold even after 90 plus years. In April 2016, the Moscow Times, May 5 2016 issue announced via a Daria Litvinova article, “the Federal Guard Service – which looks after all grounds near the Kremlin, including the mausoleum Lenin is kept in – announced for the first time that the costs for the “medical and biological works to maintain Lenin’s body” would amount to 13 million roubles ($197,000) in 2016.” I figured out from Google that formaldehyde is used to embalm, preserve dead bodies!

Imagine someone giving a new born baby a bottle of formaldehyde! That would be grossly inappropriate! Who would want to give a gift that reminds everyone about death in the happy event of a new born baby?! In the case of the birth of Jesus Christ, something similar happened. One of the wise men from the East gave Jesus “myrrh” as a gift (Matt. 2:11). Myrrh was the formaldehyde of those days (in my opinion) and was “a traditional incense used at funerals during Biblical times” according to Bible Scholars. That particular wise man who chose the gift of Myrrh for the baby Jesus perhaps knew from the Old Testament he read that Jesus was born to die. The Son given who was called Prince of Peace (which Isaiah 9:6 talks about) also was going to be the lowly servant who would take on the “Punishment that brings us peace” (which Isaiah 53:5 talks about)! Yes, Jesus was born to die! Born to die for you and me! This Jesus would go onto live a sinless life – no one else ever did this – and become a sinless, perfect sacrifice for sinful you and me! He was eventually crucified on a cross. Without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins, the Bible tells us (Heb. 9:22). And there is no blood, without a human body. And that’s why, Jesus basically and in-effect said, “Give me a body! I will get into it! I will get into a human body you have prepared for me, Father, so that I can offer it to shed blood to save humans! The Animal Sacrifices of the Old Testament can at best cover for sin temporarily! But I will bring about an arrangement to cleanse people from sin forever as long as they remain in a relationship with me!” This he in-effect said in a meeting in Heaven dated eternity past (Read Hebrews 10:5-6). Then Jesus entered the womb of virgin Mary during the First Christmas two thousand years ago. As Max Lucado wrote, “God was given eyebrows, elbows, two kidneys, and a spleen. He stretched against the walls and floated in the amniotic fluids of his mother.” Leonard Vander Zee wrote, “The incarnation of Christ means that God now has a belly-button – that mark which signalled that he was once inside the womb of a woman!” While Matthew and Luke needed two full chapters to tell the Christmas story, Apostle John summarized Christmas in just three words: “Word became Flesh” (John 1:14). And we know from John 1:1, the “Word” he was talking about was “God.” So Christmas is about “God becoming Flesh!” As the Hymn-writer put it: “The Word of the Father, now in Flesh appearing…oh come let us adore him!” The sinless living body of Jesus in the Cradle of Bethlehem stable and went all the way to the Cross of Calvary on Golgotha Hill to become that perfect sin-sacrifice. Jesus rose from the Dead. He will return again to Judge the world. Those who remain “in him” will not be condemned to eternal hell, but will live with him forever in eternal heaven (Romans 8:1; John 15; Rev. 21:7-8). This is what the Bible teaches. Would you turn from sin and put your faith in this Jesus? Then you have “peace” (Luke 2:14) and “great joy” (Luke 2:10) which the world cannot give and the Devil cannot take away!!

(Dr. Duke Jeyaraj is the founder of Grabbing the Google Gen from Gehenna Mission, a ministry to present day people that is reader/listener/viewer supported. Find out more at and at


-Duke Jeyaraj's poem on the India-West Indies World T20 SemiFinal on 31 Mar 2016 in Wankhade Stadium in Mumbai which West Indies won with a message at the end

If only, had Indian Captain Dhoni won the toss,
India would have perhaps chased and shown they were this match’s boss,
If only, had the explosive Rohit Sharma, the 20 overs batted through,
India may’ve scored much more in their 20, and perhaps made it through!
If only Indian batsmen had tried to clear the ropes, rather than run the twos,
They would have had set a steeper target, that would not make them lose!
If only Ashwin/Pandya hadn’t converted their wicket-taking balls into no-balls,
There was no question of match-winner Simmons getting those umpire recalls!
If only Jadeja hadn’t touched the boundary rope while catching that Simmons’ rocket,
Who knows – Dhoni could have well had this super semi-final in his pocket,
If only India had played all-rounder Pawan Negi, instead of the pure-batsmen Manish Pandey,
Dhoni would’ve had better options to turn to, when his regular bowlers’ bowling was in total disarray!
If only, Ashwin instead of Kohli, had bowled the last over – he had two still left,
May be, he, like he proved in the Champions Trophy 2013 Final, for India, could have been a cleft!

While the “if only” of the cricket field doesn’t ultimately matter much,
The “if only” of our spiritual lives – can be the difference between eternal heaven and ever-lasting hell – as such!

“If only you would come to me to right now”, Jesus, in-effect said in Luke 19:42 in the Bible,
“Your life’s peace will be eternal and it won’t be fickle as a bubble!”
If only, you come to God-in-flesh Jesus in repentance and faith now,
Your life – even amidst the trials – will become meaningful, joyous and wow!

(Duke Jeyaraj is the founder of Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission, a ministry to presentday people supported by those who are blessed by his messages and articles. Find out more by visiting or liking


-(A Duke Jeyaraj poem on the West Indies – England World T20 Final 2016 played in Eden Gardens Kolkata on 3 April, 2016 with a Wow News at the end)

After a dot ball with 19 needed off 7, would the Windies rise from the ashes like a phoenix?

Carlos Brathwaite answered that question, in that nail-biting final over, hitting a six, six, six and a six!

The problems the West Indies had in over-hauling England’s fighting 155, he did miraculously fix!

Six over deep backward square, Six over long on – they were all there in the marvellous six mix!

Bowler Ben Stokes slumping in disappointment post each brutal shot – that made a sad pix!

“The only team to win the World T20 twice” – for the Windies that was new prefix!

Post this Surreal Final Captain Sammy talked about praying to Living One on the crucifix!

Jesus’ great Calvary-demonstrated love for us, sinners – nothing on earth can nix!

If you come to Jesus now, this will be yours: a joy nothing can ever eclipse!

(Duke Jeyaraj, the author of this poem, is the founder of Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission, the G4 Mission. Find out more by visiting or liking

Thursday, May 18, 2017


- Dr. Duke Jeyaraj

It was a heart-stopping event that was the talk of the then-world. The day was September 5, 1986. Neerja Bhanot was the head-turning head purser of Pan Am Flight 73 to New York from Mumbai. Just 22 years of age was this gutsy beauty. She was to celebrate her birthday on September 7th.
Enroute to New York, this flight was to stop at Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, Pakistan and later on in Frankfurt, Germany. It was around 4:30 a.m. when the flight landed in Karachi. What a stop for re-fuelling became a spot for terrorist-boarding!

This is what happened: Four Palestinian terrorists menacingly came towards the flight dressed in airport security uniforms. As the flight’s door was opened in the business class side, these terrorists managed to enter the flight even as the last passengers from Karachi were boarding. They carried submachine guns and grenades.

Neerja had the presence of mind to move swiftly near the phone inside the flight and call the Pilot and the cockpit crew (the co-pilot and the flight engineer). “Hijack,” she muttered and the three people inside the cockpit escaped through a hatch-way in the roof. The flight was now effectively frozen - immobilised. With the Pilot and team having scooted from the plane, the terrorists’ plan to fly the plane to Cypress and demand for the release of Palestinian prisoners being held there went for a toss. The cockpit crew logic was this: “When the pilots abandon the plane, the plane becomes an unattractive object for hijacking.”

For the next seventeen hours, the plane stood in the airport under the control of the armed terrorists – “emotionally surcharged burly terrorists” (as Neerja’s dad, a journalist, would write later on). That’s when Neerja, the senior-most flight official inside the plane, stayed cool, calm and collected. She made announcements on behalf of the terrorists. Her smiles amidst the storm was like a breath of fresh air for the scared-to-death passengers. It offered them hope of rescue.

Neerja knew that the terrorists meant business when they shot dead Rajesh Kumar, the 29-year-old Indian American who was sitting in one of the front seats when the plane’s pilots did not return even after their repeated requests and warnings. When she overheard the terrorists’ plan to kill American passengers in that plane of 379 terrified passengers one by one, till the pilots returned to the flight, she came up with a plan. She and her crew members hid the passports of the American passengers by dropping the passports on the ground and pushing them under the seats as they were in the terrorists-assigned jobs of collecting all the passenger passports.

After the power inside the flight failed because of fuel exhaustion, the flight was plunged into darkness with the hijack drama entering into the seventeenth hour having begun early in the morning. That’s when the terrorists themselves got terrorized, knowing the Pakistani forces inside the airport could now engage them in combat at any second. They started shooting the passengers and hurling hand grenades indiscriminately. Their plan – it was very clear – was to kill as many passengers as possible.
That’s when Neerja swung into action and flung open one of the emergency doors of the flight. She could have easily been the very first to exit the plane by rolling out of the ballooning slanting cushion from the plane to the ground (the chute). But instead of choosing the chute she chose to help children – three of them. Yes, she bravely chose to stay back guiding frantic and ducking passengers to that emergency exit. Neerja used her body to shield three children inside the flight even as she guided them to the exit door’s chute. She received atleast three bullet wounds – on the abdomen, the shoulder and on her arm (her dad writes). Around 20 passengers died and 120 were injured in the mayhem unleashed by the terrorists. Neerja too died. But not before rescuing those children and many other passengers.

Just as Neerja chose the safety of the still-inside-the-flight children before the chute-escape, Jesus Christ, the only God-in-flesh, chose to love and save you and me, instead of escaping the cruel cross – the only way that was available for our salvation. Jesus’ disciple, Peter, suggested that Jesus skip the cross – the cruel punishment that was reserved for the worst of scoundrels of that time – some two thousand years ago (Matthew 16:22-28, The Bible). Yet, Jesus chose to march towards Jerusalem to be crucified on a cross, the Bible, God’s Word in human words, records (Luke 9:51).

Jesus was beaten till his back looked like plowed field. He was nailed to a rugged cross. They taunted Jesus while he hung there. “Come down from the Cross”, they sneered (Matthew 26:40). He could have. He had the power to. Certainly. Rusty nails cannot hold all-powerful God to a Cross, can they? Yet, he stayed on. He died. Why? He died for each one of us. On Good Friday. “God demonstrates his own love for us in this – while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!” – this the Bible teaches (Romans 5:8).
Unlike Neerja, Jesus was sinless (In the 2016 gripping movie, Neerja, some of the imperfections of Neerja are shown in a lighter vein: she doesn’t eat the food packed for her by her dear mom at her workplace, she carelessly forgets to wear a ring her mom asked her to…). Unlike you and me, Jesus was spotless. We have ALL sinned, the Bible declares (Romans 3:23). The wages of sin is death, which is to ultimately burn in hell. This is the prediction of the Bible, a book which has never gone wrong in its hundreds of predictions of the future (Revelation 21:7,8; Romans 6:23).

Make no mistake here: Jesus wasn’t dying for his own sin like we all deserve to. One of the thieves crucified next to Jesus realized this and said: “We rightly deserve to die. But Jesus has done nothing wrong” (Luke 23: 39-43, The Bible). Jesus never committed any sin. His close relatives, his best friends and his worst enemies could not find a single sin in him, the Bible records (Matthew 3:14; John 8:46; I John 3:5).

Jesus Christ died as a sin-substitute for each one of our sakes (Isaiah 53:5, The Bible). Because he was 100 % God infinite, he could die for an infinite number of people of all times and ages (Hebrews 9:28, The Bible).

Because he was 100 % humans as well (born of virgin Mary), he could die as a substitute for you and me – members of the human race (I Peter 3:18, The Bible).

Thanks to his precious blood, each one of us can receive forgiveness of sin, the Bible declares (Hebrews9:14). But we must repent from sin and put our trust in him to receive this life-purpose-giving forgiveness, the Bible teaches (Acts 2:38).

Jesus invites you with these loving words: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest!” (Matthew 11:28, The Bible). Are you ready to come to Christ?

Don’t delay your coming to Jesus. Here’s why: the Jesus who died, rose from the dead and said he would come again as Judge of all the earth, at any second (Revelation 1:7; 16:15, The Bible). He is the only Savior who can save you today. Not only that – he is the Judge from whom there is no escape for those who reject him on the final day. At that time, there would be chance for salvation or forgiveness of sin, the Bible reveals (Hebrews 9:27). So, do it now! And when you place your entire trust in Jesus, you will have “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (I Peter 1:8, The Bible). This is what Good Friday is about. This is what Easter is about.

After you come to Christ and receive his forgiveness: 1) CHEW on the Bible. To read the Bible you could download the free ESV Bible App onto your SmartPhone. 2) CHAT with Christ in prayer. 3) CHECK-INTO a local Bible-believing, Holy Spirit-directed church. 4) CHAMPION Christ’s cause through your life and lips using your time, talents and treasures.

(This was written by Dr. Duke Jeyaraj, the founder of Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission, a ministry to presentday people. Find out more by visiting and by liking and You can read more writings of Duke like these at